Thankful For A New Year and a Great Cream With Four Uses To Go With It

Be Thankful

Starting Out The New Year

So it’s the start of a new year and everyone thinks of new beginnings. Not to be left out, I too have been trying to think of things that can make the next year great! Realistically, the first things I think of is being thankful for everything that I do have.

2020 was the year of the pandemic and 2021 is not starting any differently, yet we need to look towards the future. We should try to look for great ways to make differences in our lives. I know that many people make a list of all the new year’s resolutions that they want to accomplish. Many people make long lists and unfortunately many fail at those lists. What are some things that you are looking forward to in the new year?

Be kinder!

Why not be kinder to ourselves, each other and the environment. It doesn’t sound like a grand gesture, and yet being kind is the best thing you can be.

Eat more whole foods and less packaged foods.
Eat more whole foods and less packaged foods!

Instead of making unrealistic resolutions, why not choose a few things to improve on.

  • When you wake up in the morning, be thankful for what you have! (Someone is always worse off than you, so be happy!)
  • Smile and say hello to a stranger walking down the street. (You have no idea how good you could make the other person feel.)
  • Be kind to yourself! (Negative self talk is detrimental to our well being.)
  • Drink more water. (Our bodies are made up of about 70% water, so keep it up!)
  • Try to eat less packaged food. (The more whole foods you can consume, the more grateful your body will be with you.)
  • Before getting angry at someone, really think about the situation. (You never know what someone else may be going through.)
  • Take a walk in nature. ( Your body and your mood will thank you!)
  • Appreciate those around you!
  • Use less chemicals. (Did you know that the average woman uses over 168 chemicals on her body before she leaves the house?)
All Natural Oil

Four Creams In One

I can help you a little with the last one. For the last eight years or so, I have been using a combination of coconut oil and olive oil on my face and body. I love it as a facial cream! Last year, in an attempt to use even less chemicals on my body, I started using it as a hair gel as well. I am sure that my body and hair are thankful for my change. You can also try my three ingredient hand cream!

3/4 c. coconut oil

1/4 c olive oil

4-5 drops of an essential oil (I have used lavender and frankincense)- optional

If your coconut oil is hard then use an electric mixer. Mix oils together thoroughly and store in a glass jar.

  • A little goes a long way for your face. I use this cream in the morning and at night.
  • If you are looking to take off your makeup, this cream works great!
  • Use it as an all over your body moisturizing cream.
  • After showering, towel dry you hair and use this cream instead of a gel for curly hair. Put some in your hand and let the warmth of your hands melt the oil before applying it to your hair. (No idea if it works on straight hair as my hair is curly.)

I hope that you make 2021 great for yourself and those around you!!

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