New Year, New You?

January is usually the month that people want to get healthier. New year, new you, right? Some people go in full tilt; throw away all the junk food; eat completely healthy for a very short time or go on a crazy restricting diet; workout like crazy. What usually happens to those people? Yes, they crash and burn. Very few people who go full tilt into something, complete it. Not to say that there are not people who accomplish exactly what they planned on accomplishing. Unfortunately, that isn’t usually the case.

So What To Do Instead

Why don’t you take smaller, achievable steps?

  • Eat more whole food meals that you cook at home and less take out.
  • Walk more often, especially in nature. It’s proven that walking in nature boosts positive emotions and lowers stress.
  • How about boosting your immune system? Again, eating more whole food meals can help!
  • Do more self care. Are you taking care of everyone else and forgetting about yourself?
  • Play some of your favourite music. Think of the songs from your past that make you smile and you can’t help dance along.
  • Try meditating. I know, you’ve tried and it doesn’t work for you. Meditating can be as easy as deep breathing. Slowly breath in, counting for four, then breath out slowly for a count of four.
  • Save some of your most favourite junk foods for the weekend. Try to eat well balanced meals and snacks during the week.

Don’t worry; I know you can do it!!

Most of the time, just looking at a picture of nature or a pretty flower will take me back to that moment, even in the dead of winter, during a pandemic!

Here Are A Few Whole Food Meals to Help

High Protein Lentil Pancakes with Apple Maple Topping

Spinach Honey Dew Melon Smoothie

Strawberry Pineapple Smoothie

Ham and Veggie Frittata

Scalloped Potato Topped Shepherd’s Pie

Homemade Grain Free Hamburgers

Roasted Chicken and Vegetables

Ginger Sesame Chicken Stir Fry

No-Bake Chocolate Energy Squares

Coconut Almond Chewy Bars

Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

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