Chia Seed Breakfast Bowl

Gluten Free/ Vegan/ Nut Free/ Dairy Free/ Nut Free/ Whole Foods/ FODMAP

Are you always trying to think of something different for breakfast? Do you grab a donut and coffee from your local drive through because you have no time?

Let me guess, an hour later you are starving and feeling like garbage. This chia breakfast bowl is not only a grab and go breakfast but it will keep you feeling satisfied for hours. In addition, the whole foods and cinnamon will keep your blood sugar running steady!

This chia seed breakfast bowl is also low FODMAP. If by chance, you have IBS or are following a low FODMAP diet I can help you with that. I am running an IBS Cooking Class on Saturday February 27, at 12 p.m. EST on zoom. We will be making three recipes the day of and you will get four bonus recipes as well as, receiving a shopping list for the recipes we are going to make together. You will also be getting a load of information about IBS, the FODMAP diet, what foods to avoid and what foods to eat. Don’t worry, whether you have IBS or not, these recipes will be enjoyed by all! There is a limit of 10 participants so register now!!

Did you know that I graduated from the Academy of Culinary Nutrition and am a Certified Instructor?

Chia Seed Pudding:

  • 1 1/2 c. milk alternative (I usually have my hemp milk on hand)
  • 3 Tbsp. chia seeds
  • 1/4 c. desired sweetener (I have used coconut palm sugar or maple syrup)- optional
  • 2 tsp. ground cinnamon

Add Ons:

Mix together ingredients for chia pudding in a jar or medium sized bowl. Store in the fridge overnight. Can be stored in the fridge for up to 5 days.

In the morning, mix in whatever “add ons” you enjoy. Makes 2 servings.

You can make it in jars for an easy grab and go breakfast! This breakfast is a great grain free alternative to overnight oats.

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