Raw Salted Caramel Sauce-3 Ingredients (Paleo/ Vegan/ Dairy Free/ Gluten Free/ Refined Sugar Free)

I knew that I wanted to make a raw caramel sauce for a while now. I just didn’t realize for delicious and simple it would be. This caramel sauce can be used as a dip for fruit or as a topper for a dessert Use your imagination!

Raw Salted Caramel Sauce

Raw Salted Caramel Sauce-3 Ingredients (Paleo/ Vegan/ Dairy Free/ Gluten Free/ Refined Sugar Free)

1 c. dates

1/2 tsp. sea salt (optional)

3/4 c. water (1/4 c. more if you want it pourable)

1 tsp vanilla or 1/2 of a vanilla bean (scrape insides)

Soak dates in boiling water for five minutes. Then add all ingredients to a high powered blender or food processor. Puree until smooth..

Raw Salted Caramel Sauce

Store covered in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Shared On: Allergy Free Wednesday

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